Audiophile Sound Recorder

This recorder caught my attention because its interface is very similar to the AudioRetoucher I’ve already reviewed. Perhaps the developers of these programs are somehow related or use the same set of interface elements. In any case, the interface looks modern and minimalistic, and the description promises extensive functionality.

Main features

At first glance, the feature set is pretty standard, but the details hide inside when you open the settings window.

The inconspicuous ‘Run Auto-tagger addon item gives no clue as to its purpose and nothing happens after activating it. I contacted the developers of the recorder and after getting the license code to test it I found out that this item triggers music recognition and adds tags and artwork to the audio recordings automatically. Detection accuracy is acceptable, with 9 out of 10 records detected correctly.

As for the supported recording formats, the maximal 24-bit 96kHz mode is available in FLAC format, which is reasonable enough and provides the claimed audiophile sound quality.


The software’s interface is a major surprise. Despite the use of a graphic skin, it scales perfectly to different DPIs. Moreover, it does not look blurred when the font is increased by 125%. I don’t know how it works, but it looks like magic.

Additional features

Additional features include the use of an audio library. When the output folder is changed, the recordings are not lost, as with some competing products.

The built-in scheduler only works if the program is running and does not know how to wake up the computer from sleep, but this is easily solved by running a batch file. Perhaps this will be automated by the developers in the next version.

I didn’t test all possible automation modes that allow splitting the recording into separate fragments, but judging from the settings it is possible to remove short commercial inserts only if they are separated by silent pauses.


We get a very pleasant-to-use product that covers almost all audio recording needs. The learning curve is very short and the capabilities are quite extensive. As for the price, it’s quite low. Some may not like the annual subscriptions, but they can be seen as installment payments for 3 years.

Audiophile Sound Recorder

12.95 USD





Easy to use







  • Excellent UI
  • Auto-tagging
  • High Definition audio recording


  • Timer cannot wake the PC from sleep
  • There are no editing capabilities


I'm a professional software developer with more than 15 years of experience. Most of the products that I evaluate are dedicated to sound processing. This is ideal for me, because as a developer and audiophile, I constantly discover something new and useful for myself.

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